
Top 5 Indonesian Cruising Destinations and Why You Should Visit Them

Top 5 Indonesian Cruising Destinations and Why You Should Visit Them

Bali makes a wonderful holiday destination, but from there you can visit plenty of places that are just as beautiful as Indonesia is. Unspoiled island scenery, authentic views, and landscapes, endemic species, and wildlife, romantic beach nights, breathtaking beaches are a liveaboard of adventures that you need to experience at least once in your lifetime. Places like Raja Ampat, Komodo Islands, Java, and many more can be easily explored via cruises. You can even book luxury Indonesian cruises and enjoy the hidden gems that are yet to be discovered.

Indonesia is the biggest archipelago consisting of over 17,000 islands, so you will have plenty to visit and go home with a lot of memories. It comes as no surprise that our recommendation is to always choose some of the cruising packages, so you can experience the wonders and magic of these destinations firsthand. Here is our list of the top five cruising destinations and why you should book a trip now!

1. Visiting Lombok

This island is often referred to as Bali’s little sister and it’s a true gem. It is very similar to Bali where you will experience the great culture and magnificent surroundings. Spending a day on the beach is an unforgettable experience, just don’t forget your sunscreen. Lombok is the perfect getaway from the city and the crowds. Since most of the tourists want to visit Bali during the summer periods, it happens that this island is more private and calmer so it’s rarely crowded like its big sister. If you want to enjoy a private, romantic holiday, hike the beautiful trails and visit all of these beautiful places this destination has to offer, then Lombok is the perfect fit for your travel needs.

2. Visiting Bali

If you go to Indonesia, but you don’t visit Bali, it’s like you’ve never been there. We believe that there is no single person on Earth that hasn’t heard of Bali. It is known as the most beautiful Indonesian island, appropriate for your honeymoon getaway, and incredibly popular among young people and those who want to spend their holidays relaxing and living an adventure. The soft and sandy beaches make up the beautiful sceneries, the crystal clear water makes you jump right into it, and swimming and sunbathing are activities you must do while there.

Yes, the place is very crowded during the summer period, but don’t let the crowded reputation change your plans. You can also visit a lot of temples like Gunung Kawi, enjoy the majesticness of Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall and swim in Nusa Dua Beach. To experience Bali the proper way, you need to have an open mind, adapt to the local culture, and adapt your daily habits with the locals there. This is a place of an exotic character that must be visited! Overall, it is an out-of-this-world experience.

Top 5 Indonesian Cruising Destinations and Why You Should Visit Them

3. Lake Toba

Lake Toba can be easily mistaken for an ocean because it is the largest one in Southeast Asia. It is also one of the deepest lakes in the world. Its location is right in the caldera of a supervolcano, surrounded by picturesque views, amazing scenery, and hidden spots of beauty that are the common getaway of the daily crowds and stress. There are plenty of activities to search for, like camping, kayaking and visiting the traditional villages. Kayaking in the cool breeze atmosphere will bring a feeling of peacefulness and relaxation. While camping can be an extraordinary experience. You can reach the lake via a cruise to North Sumatra, on the Belawan port.

4. Gili Islands

Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Trawangan are the brother islands that you’ve probably never heard about. All of them are similar, yet unique. The culture and nightlife there are some of the things you must experience by yourself. Gili Meno is a quiet island, so if you are looking for peace, romance and serenity, opt for a stay there. On the other hand, Gili Trawangan is the biggest island that offers a mixture of experiences. It is the most developed island. If you are looking for an adventure, Gili Air will do the job. This is an island for adrenaline seekers.

5. Komodo Islands

A Jurassic cruise is often established at the Komodo islands where you get to see the stunning Pink Beach and many more hidden from this world. Diving is a must-do activity there, so you can enjoy the best diving sites and see the sea life. Taking a hike will lead you to the site to see the last “dinosaur”, the Komodo dragon which is the most famous animal. You can have a 5-day cruise in a wooden boat which is the perfect way to explore these islands and enjoy their beauty.


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