PRESS RELEASE: Under the Saya: Women rule when it comes to packing

Packing for trips appears to be a woman's domain. In recent survey by global travel search site Skyscanner, 44% of men admitted to packing their own suitcases, with a shocking 6% admitting that they have never packed their own bags to go on vacation. Even when it comes to business trips, a massive 27% of men say their partner still packs their bag for them.
Over a third (35%) of respondents claim that this is because their partners know that they will forget things otherwise. One in ten claim that it happens because they are too lazy, while another 10% admit that they ask their partners to do so.
However, it appears that women may have vested interests in packing for their partners. Thirteen per cent of women surveyed said that they want to smuggle their own belongings into their partner's case, while 33% believe that they are better at it. Almost 20% of female respondents said that they like doing packing for their partners.
"Women are more meticulous, which is probably why ten percent of female respondents admitted that they like controlling their partners' wardrobes," says Janet Ranola, manager of Skyscanner Philippines.
Women appear to have good reason to want to steal some of their partner's luggage space, as 56% of women surveyed admitted that they pack more than their partner. When sharing a suitcase, 45% of women said they get more space than their partners, compared to just 6% of men.
This extra luggage may be one of the reasons why women start packing much sooner than men. 35% of women start packing a few days or more in advance, while a whopping 44% of men are last-minute packers.
"At the end of the day, packing for one's partner remains an act of love," says Ranola. "Men whose partners pack for them should consider themselves lucky."
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I do not pack for my husband so I think I'm lucky? Hehe... he does packing better than me and when I remind him if he has packed this or that, he would already be done even before I remind him. He is even more meticulous than me. Haha.